Sunday, May 25, 2008

The little Black child of great insight

This story occurred near Petersburg Virginia in 1836 on a financially struggling plantation. There had been several years since this plantation had a successful, profitable crop season. This often resulted in the master having to sell several slaves each year right before Christmas just to get by. Also during these winter months, the slaves were given very little to eat. During good days, the slaves would eat twice and during the bad days only once and the good days were far and few between. The master said that rationing was necessary because of the low crop production during the summer months. However, the master hid extra food for himself and family within an old abandoned barn house that was made off limits to all the field slaves. The off-limits rules were strictly enforced. Therefore, any slave found near the barn, other than those house slaves sent by their master to recover food, would immediately receive 25 lashes across his or her back. Furthermore, the master, to ensure that the field slaves stayed away from the barn, instructed the house slaves to spread rumors among the field slaves that the barn was in fact haunted.
For years, the master’s scheme worked perfectly and as a result he and his family always had more than enough for themselves during the winter while the field slave often loss an average of twenty pounds during the winter seasons. However, this was about to change for upon this plantation, there lived a very exceptional and inquisitive little eight-year-old African American slave. This unique little boy though born during slavery, unlike many of the other slaves on the plantation defeated by the burdens of psychological and physical torture, remained daringly proud, insightful and inquisitive, even when this was contrary to the master’s instructions and wishes. In fact, his overt display of intelligence and intuitiveness would often get him into trouble with the master. He also secretly learned to read at the age of seven. His nineteen-year-old mother adamantly discouraged his reading and made him promise not to divulge it to anyone else — not even other slaves. She gravely feared that if word of the child’s reading ability got back to the master's house then her only son would be severely punished and sold given that it was illegal for slaves to learn to read or write. One morning, this bright boy awoke with the desire to find out what was really hidden in his master’s old barn. He quickly got dressed and sneaked out to the barn under the darkness of the early morning. As he got closer to the barn his heart beat rapidly – fueled by fear of stories of the barn being haunted and of the 25 lashes that he would certainly receive, if he were caught. Nevertheless, the boy continued onward until he reached the barn’s door. There was an old rusted lock on the door, so the boy picked up the biggest rock that his little arms could lift and began hitting it against the lock until it broke and fell to the ground. The boy then slowly opened the large squeaky door and was immediately shocked at what he found. The barn was filled with many hidden jars and cans of food. The boy was elated about his discovery. He was anxious to show and inform the other slaves, so he rang the old triangle bell awakening them.
The other slaves heard the bell, quickly dressed and rushed out to find out what was going on. Upon reaching the site of the ringing bell, the slaves were surprised to find that it was not their master, but instead it was the little boy awakening them so early. One of the slaves, a large man, said “Boy,what's going on and why did you awaken us so early?” The boy responded that he had found lots of food hidden in the barn. The large man responded “you know that master told us all never to come near this barn, so what's wrong with you, boy? Sounds like you don't what to live to get old; because you won’t get much older not listening to the master.” The crowd, although many were starving, began to also express their displeasure with the boy's defiance of the master's instructions. "Yeah, yeah," they yelled “That boy's going to get us all in trouble with the master.” The entire crowd began to shout that master is going to be angry, and as their anger escalated, they demanded that the child be punished immediately. They agreed that the boy should be punished because he had disobeyed their master in the first place and that was what had to happen. The child's mother picked him up and ran through the woods. The angry slaves pursued her. The mother continued to run as fast as she possibly could until she slipped and fell with her son into the cold neighboring creek where they both drowned. Most of the slaves, after witnessing the tragedy, felt the boy’s death was good riddance because he had been a thorn in the master's side since he’d been born. Now, they said “let's try to fix that old lock and place it back on to the barn door.” The slaves repaired the damaged locked and put it back on the door of the barn as if it had not been disturbed, and they resumed their typical slave chores feeling no remorse for the deceased mother and child. The slaves in this story were more concerned with offending their master than they were about the death of the young mother and her child.
How is it possible that these slaves could express more concern for their master than a fellow slave, especially a young mother and her child? This type of devotion to their masters was common behavior among African slaves in America. Moreover, when an African slave was planning an escape or a revolt, often another slave would forewarn the master. During the Civil War, many African slaves attempted to defend their master’s home and family against the approaching Union soldiers. There is evidence that some Africans fought on the side of the South. How absurd to imagine such behavior and loyalty to their masters at the expense of their own self preservation. These actions by the slaves extended beyond just mere loyalty. These behaviors of the slaves were the outcome and result of a self-generating psychological acculturation process that was a necessity for maintaining slavery. Over the past 500 years, European ruling elites have always used methods of psychological manipulation and control upon their African victims [as first discussed from an African perspective by the Nigerian scholar Chinweizu (1987) in his classic Decolonizing the African Mind and from an African American perspective in the Willie Lynch letters narratives (1992)]
Today this racist tradition of the mental minipulation [“mental” colonization]of Blacks secretly continues even now within the United States. It has been modified into a more contemporary and stealthy design that provides a more socially acceptable means of meeting this traditional objective.
As a means of ensuring that it’s White dominance and controlled is maintained, America’s societal white ruling elites secretly implemented its largest ever covert operation against its Black population through its educational, judicial, and prison systems, but most detrimentally through a covert national campaign of psychological manipulation and control. A modern sophisticated system that uses the psychology of deceit perpetuated through the national media that uses false statistics, mis-information, and negative propaganda media reports that are deliberately designed to assaults the Black psyche corrupting many African Americans’ sense of unity and cohesion and to tranquilize efforts on their behalf thus facilitating a setting where of which its Black population is more easier suppressed and exploited.
Although there are now today many wealthy and successful African Americans, greatly due to highly paid athletes and entertainers that benefit the White elites more than they do their own communities, the U.S. government now still conducts planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations through the national media to influence the perception and climate of the nation towards the attainment of its governmental objective of maintaining its white dominance and controls.
Today’s modern system of psychological manipulation is so enthralling and sophisticated that it misleads many Blacks to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an internalized aberration of self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility. Moreover, it provides a more socially acceptable way to assure that the masses of African Americans remains the most racially devalued and most economical exploited and suppressed group in America . Furthermore, it is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess. It is in fact so fundamentally detrimental to the Black human condition and psyche that it may even affect the extent to which many African Americans realize their full human potential. Moreover, this system of racism is so well fortified and so complete that Many African Americans will disregard any disclosure of it as being outrageous and will even label other Blacks as being “racist” for merely calling attention to it. In fact, this method of racism is so proficient at damaging the Black self-perception that tragically it has become easier for many Blacks to accept the derogatory premise that the noted problems stem from innate inadequacies within themselves rather than that of being the case of a modern system of white institutionalized racism. While the official assigned title of this massive covert scheme remains classified, I however appropriately call it the Black Matrix”.
Many African Americans, in defending the U.S. Government, will adamantly present the question of why would the U.S. government find it a necessity to implement such a racist scheme? This is because the image that has been firmly established upon the consciousness of Black America, in regards to the U.S. Government, are those of the U.S. government sending troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to safely escort Black students to attend schools, or that of the Northern Union soldiers fighting and dying against the Confederate army to free the slaves, and of the many social programs that the federal Government has implemented towards the benefit of African Americans. However, while these undertakings by the U.S. government individually and collectively deserve our appreciation, they do not accurately provide the full picture revealing the true or entire relationship shared between the U.S. Government and its Black population. These favorable stories and events reflect only what the U.S. Government wants its African Americans population to remember and are not historically accurate at reflecting or determining the true past relationship or the underlying present existing relationship between African Americans and the U.S. Government.
From slavery to the present, African Americans have undeniably borne an unprecedented amount of suffering and mistreatment by the U.S. government because of their race. However, so many have forgotten or repressed so much of these maltreatments and have, instead, come to accept the favorable-but-false perpetuated White persona that represents everything that White people never were -- and still are not -- in place of the truth, thus engendering a sort of psychologically induced coma concerning their own Black holocaust. Because most African Americans are denied an educational system and media reports that gives them accurate information, both historically and at present, reflecting the U.S. Governments relationship with African American, therefore most are totally oblivious of the true fundamental core character of this existing relationship.
To truly understand why U.S. government would find it a necessity to implement such a racist scheme, it is necessary to first learn the true fundamental core character of the American society as it relates to African Americans.A hidden truth is that although the United States Government portrays itself as the leading ethical and moral authority of the world and professes equal rights for all American citizens, its oldest and most important objective has always been an unyielding commitment towards the preservation of its White dominance and control. This objective has always directly correlated with the necessity to suppress the advancement and growth of its Black population. Because if the U.S. government treated its Black population in a manner which does not promote its interest of maintaining White dominance and control this would render the U.S. Government diametrically in opposition to itself. Therefore, it secretly uses every conceivable means and opportunity to suppress its Black population; even those that trample upon its own stated ethical values.
As seen within the abolitionist struggles and Civil rights struggles white America has a tradition of resistance against the advancement of its Black population. This tradition of resistant has always correlated with the necessity to reinvent newer forms of institutionalized racism. This practice of reinventing newer forms of institutionalized racism was already seen in the United States when, after the abolishment of slavery, the evil of racism was reincarnated into Jim Crow inequalities that where maintained by regional authorities and condoned by the U.S. Government. This atrocious American pattern of reinventing newer methods of suppressing - and while exploiting - its Black population to maintain its White dominance and control secretly continues in the 21 century. Unlike the blatant brutal method of white racist systems used in the past in the United States , today’s methods are very sophisticated and unlike anything ever before faced by African Americans.
Because of its immense degree of sophistication that hides and prevails behind the psychology of deceit realizing this monumental disclosure will be quite difficult and very uncomfortable for many African Americans. Since most Blacks have never heard of this method of asserting White racism, therefore many will find it too shocking and stunning to contemplate. Nonetheless it is directly intertwined with the baffling phenomenon of disparities now plaguing America ’s Black communities. In order to recognize it requires that African Americans reexamine some of their most basic beliefs and prior assumptions. It also requires that African Americans overcome a psychologically ingrained “White is right” preferentiality that has been indoctrinated unrelentingly upon the Black psyche that is rarely moved. Nevertheless, the gained reward by reading this literature will be a change from feelings of hopelessness and despair to an awareness of the most urgent issue of our time.
This science of psychology works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. It is implemented by, first, simply learning everything about the targeted group, their beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, and vulnerabilities. Once you know what motivates your target, you are ready to begin psychological operations against them.The basis of this concept is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted group. Here is a simplified analogy of its process at effecting Black self perception: Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better.
This concept of warfare uses the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipients in terms of their behavior. Within a real world setting, this is implemented against African Americans through an immense campaign of false and negative media reports and statistics created by U.S. governmental agencies that leaks the false derogatory information to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. This false information is then deliberately perpetuated unrelentingly everywhere; it is disseminated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages affect the targeted recipients and influence society. This method of psychological warfare also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. It also attempts to discourage miscegenation between Blacks and Whites and creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed.
The U.S. government’s psychological warfare and psychosocial treatment of African Americans is one that subjects African Americans to seeing, through a controlled national media, only the worst in themselves. This unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. Thus ultimately destroying the unprecedented degree of unity and cohesion that was so movingly demonstrated among Blacks during the 1960’s that was the significant factor for the collapse --white abandonment-- of the earlier blatant system of white racism used in the past to maintain white dominance and control.
The ultimate goal of this psychology of deceit is to create a consensual environment that facilitates the easier exploitation and suppression of Black America by engendering a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone. Thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans: that tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible. When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] This campaign successfully stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles.
This anti Black governmental campaign of psychological warfare also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
Because this literature exposes the hidden, conspiratorial, and profound dimensions of racism that still secretly exist at governmental levels in the United States, these are very dangerous waters that the author is attempting to navigate. If this information were to become more widely known among African Americans, the U.S. Government would most certainly dispute it and initiate a national campaign of spin control and coverage through the national media and the internet with experts lined up to dismiss its premises as a means for protecting its national interest. WE MUST FORWARD THIS !
The entire preceded information are excerpts from the Book the Black Matrix By Franklin G. Jones (c) 2006, revised 2008.

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